Retuna recycling shopping mall

Retuna recycling shopping mall

In my opinion this shopping mall is a good
idea because it saves the environment
and helps stop other things that are bad
for the environment.  Here are some
other reasons.

Image result for retuna sweden
First of all when you put lots of
recyclable items in the recycling the
factory has to recycle the items. 
Recycling things creates emissions and
emissions are bad for the environment.
The mall does not make any emissions. 
So that´s another reason why the mall is

Second of all when a shop buys new
things it has to get shipped and using
transport such as boats or planes creates
fuel emissions. This is another reason
why the shopping mall in Sweden is a good idea.

In conclusion, I think the shopping mall
is a marvellous idea and I think it would
be rad to make more shopping malls like
By Molly Buckley 



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